Thursday, April 27, 2006

Month of Mini Holidays: Day 28 (Is this month almost over?)

Floralia is a boring Roman festival dedicated to the Goddess Flora. Well, it's boring compared to the shit-filled pinata of yesterday.

I am so close to abandoning this stupid venture. Mental note: if you're going to commit yourself - and maybe I need to be committed - to a daily blog theme make sure that the theme will be interesting!

Speaking of comics...(hey, it's not segue month after all!)

I'm going to talk about Infinite Crisis because I'm finally all caught up.

The plot line for this story is beginning to bore me. Hey, let's introduce the new lame Blue Beetle character and make him relevant by making him the only character in the DCU who can see Brother Eye! Superman can burn the flagellum off of a paramecium from a galaxy away with his infared vision but he can't see the GIANT FLOATING SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE FLOATING IN EARTH ORBIT!!!!!! Lame. Let's get that Hispanic kid from El Paso to do it!

Batman's stuff with both Earth 2 Superman and Nightwing is pretty damn good but the whole thing is making me long for Civil War. I need a good street-level event to ground the comics. I don't like cosmic stuff.

Identity Crisis was good if not flawed. House of M left me wondering why I wasted my money. Civil War looks to be very good from what I saw in New Avengers: Illuminati. It was a fantastic piece of talking heads stuff that has me whetted for the mini-series.

2 Bitching, Moaning and Praise

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a 2006 calendar holiday site.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)

1:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a 2006 calendar holiday site.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)

1:41 am  

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