Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Me and Cade...

Being a dad is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me feel as though my life was purposefully driven up to this point.

I won't, however, be posting picture after picture of him (only the ones I find particularily amusing or extremely cute). That honour is left for my wife who has changed the direction of her pregnancy blog (The Womb Expansion Project) to a photo blog on our boy: Cade Files!

Otherwise, here's a picture of me and my boy mean-mugging for the camera Ludacris-style. Note that he is already sporting the faux-hawk and shaking his fist at those "wacky kids".

I'll be back with comic, music and movie stuff later this week.

5 Bitching, Moaning and Praise

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Des is an awesome dad!

10:47 pm  
Blogger Megan said...

For an even cuter pic of these two rebel-rousers, come to my blog!

10:48 pm  
Blogger Admin said...

Did s-tracking take your counter away, too!?? I'm so pissed off! I've had to replace my counter twice now......and I would be well over 10,000 counts.


7:08 am  
Blogger Rick Geerling said...

By far the best baby photo ever. Good work on raising the kid right thus far. Now just don't lose him.

1:14 am  
Blogger Scipio said...

Congratulations, Des! The resemblance is striking...

11:11 am  

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